Drs. Eckler and Black Orthodontists

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April 3rd 2018 CE Seminar

click here to see your photo from our recent seminar:



Drs. Eckler, Black & Leung, Orthodontists & the ‘Smile Solutions’ Orthodontic Team


 The New Corporate Tax Environment: Pitfalls and Planning Opportunities for Dentists

given by Dr. Wilson Chen, DDS, CFP, FMA – Financial Planner

and Trevor Parry, M.A., LL.B, LL.M (Tax). TEP - IPP and Insurance Specialist

with the Wyndham Group

This seminar is for DENTISTS ONLY. 

DATE:                                Friday, May 11th: 9:00am – 12:noon: coffee & light snacks at 9am, lunch at 12:noon

COST:                                Complimentary

LOCATION:                     Henry Schein Canada Inc. 221 Jacob Keffer Parkway, Concord, Ontario

This lecture is 3 hours CE.  Henry Schein is an approved RCDSO CE sponsor.

RSVP by EMAIL only before May 5th:  lesa@smilenow.com - NOT BY TELEPHONE PLEASE





In order to obtain a CE point, please submit your questionnaire answers by email to lesa@smilenow.com .   

Please include each question number together with your corresponding answer (for example,  #1. answer:  c). 

  COURSE #1:



Earn CE Credits from the convenience of your own home.  All team members  may take this e-learning course! 
Simply watch this video focused on Customer Service: 



VIDEO LINKS: Customer Service Mark HPDA from Smile Solutions Orthodontists on Vimeo

2.  In order to obtain a CE point, please submit your questionnaire answers by email to lesa@smilenow.com .    Please include each question number together with your corresponding answer (for example,  #1. answer:  c). 


1.  Why do patient go to the dentist?  a.) Health  b.) Function  c.) Esthetics  d.) All of the above 

2.  Is dentistry being commoditized?  a.) Yes  b.) No 

3.  A commodity is:  a.) Sugar  b.) Gasoline  c.) A good or service supplied without qualitative differentiation  d.) All of the above 

4.  Which media outlets have recently published stories about the over-supply of dentists?  a.) Detroit herald and New York post  b.) National Post and Toronto Star  c.) Regina ‎Point and Montreal Monitor  d.) San Diego Sunshine and North Dakota Buckaneer 

5.  How can you differentiate your office?  a.) Compete solely on price  b.) Build value and loyalty with Customer Service  c.) Make bigger signs  d.) Advertise more 

6.  Patients are demanding:  a.) Less than they were 10 years ago  b.) Similar as they were 10 years ago  c.) More than they were 10 years ago 

7.  Which of the following is our definition of Customer Service?  a.) Providing a problem-free service by treating patients’ needs  b.) Fulfilling patients’ desires and exceeding expectations in an enthusiastic environment  c.) Begins with a comprehensive knowledge, a great product and honesty  d.) All of the above 

8.  Which of these is not a Customer Service tool?  a.) Active listening b .) Body Language  c.) Stopping for lunch   d .) Languaging  

9.  This is not an ingredient of Customer Service:  a.) Passion  b.) Enthusiasm  c.) Chocolate  d.) Fun/Humour 

  1. This is one example of good body language:  a.) Arms and/or legs crossed b .) Head bowed down with no eye contact  c.) Open stance, hands wide open, smiling d .) Speaking very low    
  2. Active Listening means:  a.) Repeating back to the Patient using the same words they use b .) Answering a question with a question  c.) Complaining to the patient about your day  d.) All of the above
  3. Forbidden words include:  a.) Cancellation  b.) Complaint  c.) Pain  d.) Emergencies  e.) All of the above
  4. This is not a good way to offer good customer service in your office:  a.) Name tags  b.) Uniforms c .) Frown       d.) Entertainment
  5. A Rapport Building Opportunity is:  a.) A situation in which we have an opportunity to enhance our relationship with a patient  b.) A chance to speak with our patient’s family  c.) Computer software program  d.) A building supplies sale
  6. The best way to handle a mistake includes:  a.) An acknowledgement  b.)  An apologize  c.) Ask how they'd like compensation d.) Going above and beyond  d.) All of the above

16. A customer service team member avoids or puts out the fire:  a.) Once your patient is upset  b.)  Before it ignites  c.) Once the doctor is involved  d.) Only on Mondays 

17. When telling patients how long a procedure will take, over-estimate the time by:  a.) 10 to 20%  b.) 50 - 100%  c.) 100 - 200%  d.) Tell them the exact time you think it will take 

  1. If you are running behind:  a.) Make excuses to your patients  b.) Blame team members  c.) Inform your patients by phone or when they walk in  d.) Rush your other patients
  2. This is not a way to empathize with your patients:  a.) Argue with them  b.) Listen c.) Celebrate their victories  d.) Mourn their losses
  3. By giving consistent customer service you build value and create loyal relationships with your patients.               a.) True    b.) False

Please share this with all of your team members!   

*** One CE - RCDSO core 3 point *** 



 Course #2:


1.  What age is the determining factor for beginning Orthodontic treatment?


a. 6 to 10 years

b. 12 to 16 years

c.  Age is not the determining factor but rather individual circumstance

d.  All of the above

2.  What is Orthodontics?


a.  Treatment for your feet

b.  A dental specialty involving movement of the teeth

c.  A dental specialty involving surgery

d.  All of the above

3.  Why is Orthodontics important?


a.  Self Confidence/Esteem

b.  Oral Hygiene/Less Attrition

c.  Supporting Facial Structures

d.  All of the above


4.  What is a limiting factor for Orthodontic treatment?


a.  One’s poor oral health

b.  One’s place of work

c.  Too old

d.  All of the above


5a. If your clinical observation is that of an Anterior Openbite with a tongue thrusting and/or thumb sucking habit, you would first refer/treat the patient to an orthondontic specialist if:

a.  The patient has stopped their habit

b.  The patient has 1st molars and all incisors

c.  The patient has no deciduous teeth

d.  All of the above

5b. The earliest age for the above referral is:

a.  13 to 14 years

b.  7.5 years

c.  10 to 11 years

d.  All of the above


  1. What can you look for other than crowded teeth to assess one’s orthodontic needs?

a.  Anterior and/or posterior crossbites

b.  Habits: open-bites

c.  “Gummy” smiles

d.  All of the above

 7a. If your clinical observation is that of mild to moderate crowding and there are no jaw or skeletal problems then you would refer the patient to an orthodontic specialist if:

a.  The patient is edentulous

b.  The patient has no deciduous teeth

c.  The patient has all deciduous teeth

d.  All of the above 

7b. The approximate age of the patient for the above is:

a.  12 years or older

b.  7.5 years

c.  8 to 9 years

d.  All of the above


  1. Treatment Timing is crucial in achieving orthodontic success because:

a.  Yields better results

b.  Decreases extraction/surgery

c.  Decreases patient burnout

d.  All of the above


  1. The following early warning sign usually indicates that your child should visit an Orthodontist for an orthodontic exam:

a.  Biting the cheek or biting into the roof of the mouth

b.  Has a lose tooth

c.  Is not brushing properly

d.  All of the above


  1. What causes Orthodontic/Orthopedic problems?

a.  Heredity

b.  Caries/poor oral hygiene/neglect

c.  Habits

d.  All of the above


  1. What can Drs. Eckler & Black accomplish together with your dental team for our mutual patients?

a.  Improve Oral Health

b.  “Enhance” Faces

c.  Prevention

d.  All of the above


12a. Together with the Orthodontic Specialist Team you can help make future orthodontic problems less severe by using young patients’:

a.  Expertise

b.  Growth potential

c.  Bad habits

d.  All of the above


12b. This is known as:

a.  Orthodontic Preventive treatment

b.  Adult treatment

c.  Endodontic treatment

d.  All of the above


12c. And helps correct:

a.  Wisdom teeth

b.  Crooked nose

c.  Bone/jaw mis-matching or abnormal tooth positioning

d.  All of the above


  1. Why is treatment/referral timing important to the General Dental Team?


a.  Establish good rapport with specialist team; understand each others philosophies

b.  Understand patient’s/parent’s concern

c.  Patient Satisfaction/Enhanced Trust

d.  All of the above


  1. What segment is the most under-diagnosed for orthodontics?

a.  Women

b.  Boys

c.  Adults

d.  All of the above


  1. Options for Orthodontic Treatment include:

a.  Metal Braces

b.  Ceramic Braces

c.  Invisalign

d.  Lingual Braces

e.  All of the above

16a. If your clinical observation is that of a large overjet > 7mm (skeletal ClassII) then you would refer the patient to an orthodontic specialist if:


a.  The patient has few deciduous teeth

b.  The patient has early to mid mixed dentition

c.  The patient has no deciduous teeth

d.  All of the above


16b. The approximate age of the patient for the above is:



a.  12 years or older

b.  Adult

c.  7 to 9 years

d.  All of the above



  1. Drs. Eckler & Black and the ‘Smile Solutions’ team provide:

a.  Gum procedures and refer patients back to their general dentist for regular check-ups

b.  Extraction of wisdom teeth and refer patients back to their general dentists for regular check-ups

c.  Strictly Orthodontics and refer patients back to their general dentist for regular check-ups

d.  Root Procedures and refer patients back to their general dentists for regular check-ups

e.  All of the above


18a. If your clinical observation is that of a Posterior Crossbite, the earliest you would refer the patient to an orthodontic specialist is if:

a.  The patient has 1st molars and all incisors

b.  The patient has mid to late mixed dentition

c.  The patient has no deciduous teeth

d.  All of the above


18b. The approximate age of the patient for the above is:

a.  12 years or older

b.  7.5 years

c.  10 years

d.  All of the above

19. In Drs. Eckler & Black’s Orthodontic office braces will not be put on unless a patient has had a cleaning with their General Dental office within the past:



a.  10 years

b.  5 years

c.  6 months

d.  15 years

20. Ectopic eruption is most often observed in teeth:


a.  #16/26

b.  #12/22

c.  #33/43

d.  All of the above 

'Smile Solutions' is proud to sponsor:


Thanks to all the Dentists and Team Members who attended our

COMPLIMENTARY Spring & Fall CE Seminars


Thanks to everyone who entered our Holiday Contest for dental offices!!






Jaime and Alexandra Eckler's Annual Lemonade Stand

Jaime and Alexandra started their first Lemonade Stand to raise money for homeless youths 6 years ago.  They were inspired by 'Amanda's Lemonade Stand" for heart & stroke and by seeing their parents buy food for homeless people in need.  Their compassion has only enhanced with time and their commitment to the Lemonade Stand stronger than ever.


check out more pics on our facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/smilesolutionsorthodontists/photos_stream











Our 2012 Patient Appreciation Magic Show was a Tremendous Success

Check out our Slideshow on You Tube and see for yourself!



You may remember our recent PAYING IT FORWARD story (below).  What began as a simple act of kindness through the Big Brothers Organization has turned into a lifelong friendship and extended family.  It was an honour to stand with my Little Brother Brett this past New Year as he married the love of his life.  And it was such a pleasure to see Brett and his family bond with my young daughters.  

I have watched Brett grow from a vulnerable, fatherless 11 year-old boy to the wonderful young man full of hopes and dreams that he is today.  As Brett embarks on his marriage I am again reminded about how precious time is and that in order to make a difference in this world we need to slow down and make time to be with our family, friends and those most in need.

 The relationship between Brett and I has expanded to include both of our families and it was so good to also see his Mother and Sister who are both in great health!  During the wedding speeches I was flattered to hear his Mom, Marcy mention my name among the three people who where pivotal to Brett in his life and in helping their family through a difficult time. It is difficult to know how many people we can positively affect with a single act of kindness in our daily lives.

 As we continue in the spirit of Paying It Forward we are pleased to be able to offer complimentary and convenient services in an effort to make our patients' lives easier!



   Most of us have seen the 2000 movie PAYING IT FORWARD with Kevin Spacey or at least have heard the saying, paying it forward.  Paying it forward means doing something good for someone else in a selfless way, and in return having something good come back to you one day. This year on December 31st  I am fortunate enough to have that something good come full circle and I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you, in the spirit of the season, my personal story.

   Big Brothers is an organization that pairs up fatherless boys with adult male volunteers for guidance. In 1996 during my graduate studies in St. Louis, I was inspired to become a Big Brother to a fatherless boy. This desire came out of hearing stories as a child about the personal experience of my own father losing his father at a young age. My grandmother was left to raise 3 children and simultaneously support her family.  Perhaps it is for this very reason that I have such a soft spot for children without both parents.  

   When I met with my little brother Brett, who at the time was 11 years old and had lost his father a year earlier, I was overwhelmed with the responsibility and wondered if I was doing the right thing. His story was a sad one. He was out one afternoon watching a friendly game of racquetball between his father and his uncle when seemingly, out of nowhere, his Dad simply collapsed.  He died leaving his wife, son and 5 year old daughter behind.  Six months after Brett lost his Father, his Sister was diagnosed with leukemia and a few years after that
his Mom had a heart attack.  Thankfully, both his sister and mother are doing well today! 

   I asked myself, what could I possibly offer this devastated young boy?  In hindsight I believe I have been able to give a little something back to the world through my relationship with Brett.  I have tried to support, encourage and mentor Brett not only during our formal Big Brother period but even today.  Our relationship has been mutually beneficial and has enabled me to become a better father too. We continue to stay in touch and maintain a special relationship even though we live thousands of kilometers apart.

   I understand now more than ever that time is so precious and in order to make a difference in this world we need to slow down and make the time to be with our family, friends and those most in need. What started out as a commitment to help out at least once every week for only
one year has blossomed into a 15-year relationship.  

   This New Year Day my family will be experiencing something good coming our way when we will be with Brett on his wedding day. I am so honoured to stand up for Brett as his best man, as he did for me at my wedding. I wish you all a happy holiday season with time spent with your family, friends and loved ones.


'Smile Solutions' is proud to sponsor:
This summer, as in past years, our sponsored teams enjoyed a PIZZA PARTY on us!!

Many of our patients enjoyed our


We value you as a patient (or parent of a patient) and like to help you look after your overall health and well-being not just your teeth!

 Congratulations to our 
Patient Appreciation Birthday Party Contest Winners!!
Did you know that almost 1 in 3 of our patients are adults? 
Ask us about esthetic options and solutions including INVISALIGN and CLEAR CERAMIC braces.
  • Healthier Gums
  • Easier Cleanings
  • Improved Chewing and Speech
  • Decreased Risk of Dental Trauma & Abnormal Wear
  • More Beautiful Smiles!
Orthodontic problems determine the correct time to start treatment - not the age of your child or the presence of all the adult teeth.  Depending on the problem, starting orthdontic treatment before all of the adult teeth are present may reduce the chances of future gum problems, growth problems, abnormal tooth wear and, can decrease the need for surgery and extractions of adult teeth. 
By using your child's growth potential, together we can help make future orthodontic problems less severe.  This treatment is known as 'early treatment' in the orthodontic world and it helps to correct bone/jaw mismatching or abnormal tooth positioning. 
Early treatment may not avoid the need for future braces, but it allows for better results and makes future treatment less complex.  Therefore any future treatment will be less expensive.  For your benefit, we will deduct a substantial portion of the fee for your child's early, preventive treatment from any future treatment because we believe in helping your child as much as you do.
Documents required under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) are available upon request.
Drs. Eckler & Black, Orthodontists welcomes and encourages applications from people with disabilities.  Accommodations are available on request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process.
Drs. Eckler & Black, Orthodontists encourages feedback from it's employees and from the public.  Anyone may offer feedback by phoning Dr. Mark Eckler at 905-789-8888 or by emailing him at smilesolutions@yahoo.ca.

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