Drs. Eckler and Black Orthodontists

Meet Dr. Derek Leung

Meet Dr. Derek Leung

Dr. Leung Snowshoeing

Every day I'm inspired, by my patients, their families and by the phenomenal team that I'm a part of. As a certified orthodontist, with each patient I have the privilege of treating I get to see the courage it takes to embark on a journey that makes many kids, myself included as a teenager, feel equal parts awkward and hopeful. I get to see the triumph and confidence as those same patients make meaningful progress with my help.

For that reason and many more, I wake up every morning and strive to provide the kind of care that my patients deserve, and I count myself lucky for being able to do such meaningful work. What also inspires me is what I see in the families of all my patients. From the parents who steadfastly sit through each appointment, to the siblings who lovingly poke fun at each other's "metal mouths," it brings a smile to my face and reminds me how important family is.

I received my dental degree from the University of Western Ontario and later obtained a General Practice Residency Certificate from the University of British Columbia. I then continued on to University of Colorado Graduate Orthodontic Program and received both my Specialty Certificate and Master of Science Degree.

Being surrounded by examples of loving families is the best teaching I can bring to my marriage with my wonderful wife Tiffany. When not working I enjoy traveling, trying new foods, movies and playing basketball.

dr. leung with wife

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